IBBY Worldwide

As a member of IBBY UK you are part of an enthusiastic and inspiring family of children’s book enthusiasts from around the world. It is one of 80+ National Sections with members on every continent. IBBY was founded by the visionary, Jella Lepman, in the aftermath of the Second World War in the belief that children’s books have the power both to transform children’s lives and to increase international understanding.

IBBY International

IBBY International

The International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY) is a non-profit organisation which represents an international network of people from all over the world.

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IBBY World Congress

IBBY World Congress

IBBY World Congress brings together IBBY members and people from all over the world that are involved with children’s books and with the promotion of reading.

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Literacy Projects

Literacy Projects

As part of its belief that every child has the right to become a reader, IBBY and its sponsors and donors, provide funding for several reading development projects.

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Bookbird: A Journal of International Children’s Literature is a refereed journal published quarterly by IBBY.

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