Yuval Zommer

The Big Book of Bugs by Yuval Zommer.
Published by Thames & Hudson 2016

The Big Book of Beasts by Yuval Zommer.
Published by Thames & Hudson 2017

BEYOND by Yuval Zommer for the
’Migrations’ exhibition ICPBS 2017

The Big Book of Bugs by Yuval Zommer.
Published by Thames & Hudson 2016
Yuval Zommer graduated from London’s Royal College of Art with an MA in Illustration. After working as a creative director at many leading advertising agencies, his passion for picture books won out and he is now the author and illustrator of several highly acclaimed children’s books.
Yuval’s highly acclaimed non-fiction title The Big Book of Bugs (Thames & Hudson) has been published in seventeen languages and is followed by the equally stunning The Big Book of Beasts (Thames & Hudson). The eagerly awaited third title in the series, The Big Book of the Blue, was published in May 2018.
Yuval also illustrated canine adventure picture books One Hundred Bones and One Hundred Sausages (Templar), and The Street Beneath My Feet (Quarto), an exciting foldout book exploring our underground worlds.
Yuval lives and works in Central London, overlooking an urban garden which is a haven for wildlife and the inspiration for many of his stories.