Alte Zachen

Alte Zachen

Alte Zachen Book Details Alte ZachenZiggy Hanaor, illus. Benjamin Phillips. London: Cicada, hb, 978-1-80066-022-9, 2022, £16.99, 72pp.Graphic novel, 9-12 years BACK TO REVIEWS Set in modern New York City, Alte Zachen is a graphic novel that follows 11-year-old Benji...
The General

The General

The General Book Details The GeneralJanet Charters, illus. Michael Foreman. London: Templar Books, pb. 978 1 8487 7160 4, 2013, £7.99, 48pp.Picture book, 3-5 years BACK TO REVIEWS This was the first picture book illustrated by Michael Foreman, originally published in...
The Moon of Kyiv

The Moon of Kyiv

The Moon of Kyiv Book Details The Moon of KyivGianni Rodari, illus. Beatrice Alemagna. Newbury: Walker Books, hb. 978 1 5295 1323 3, 2022, £9.99, 32pp.Illustrated book, poetry, translation, 5+ years BACK TO REVIEWS This deceptively simple poem was written by Italian...