Finding New Voices

by | May 8, 2018 | IBBY Reports

 A report on our seminar at London Book Fair April 2018 


This seminar marked the end of a year’s work that IBBY UK has done with the Baltic States in the run up to the London Book Fair – a year in which much has been shared between the two countries. There have been a number of visits and exchanges and both Sophie and Pam were able to visit Lithuania and Pam also visited Latvia. As a result we have a greater knowledge of publishing in both countries and have given talks and seminars on the work that is happening in the UK children’s book world. We are very grateful to our colleagues in the Literature Department at the British Council for this collaboration.

We were delighted that during the year eight new children’s books have been commissioned by UK publishers. Our panel of publishers and writers explored their journey to publication with honesty and humour. Issues of translation (of both text and illustration) were discussed together with ways in which place and cultural references can travel and be understood by young people. We would like to thank Thames and Hudson, Firefly, the Emma Press and Book Island for inspiring us and for their work in bringing these wonderful new writers and illustrators to a wider audience. And the writers and illustrators, Ausra Kiudulaite, Luize Pastore, and Ulla Saar for the openness and enthusiasm they shared and their delight in their UK publication. Books to look out for:

The Ear Piret Raud  (Thames & Hudson)
Everyone’s the smartest Contra, illustrated by Ulla Saar  (The Emma Press)

Dog Town, Luize Pastore (Firefly)
Book of Clouds Juris Kronbergs, illustrated by Anete Melece (The Emma Press)
Queen of Seagulls and The dog who found sorrow Ruta Briede, illustrated by Elina Braslina (The Emma Press),
One House for All Inese Zandere, illustrated Juris Petraškevics  (Book Island)
The Noisy Classroom Ieva Flamingo, illustrated by Vivianna Maria Stanislavska (The Emma Press)

The Fox on the Swing Evelina Daciute, illustrated by Ausra Kiudulaite (Thames & Hudson)