IBBY Honour List 2018
IBBY members may make two suggestions in each category: Writing, Illustration and Translation. Please send these to annlazim@googlemail.com by 30th June 2017.
A shortlist will be made by members of the IBBY UK committee. These books will then be discussed at a meeting on Monday 17th July from 1.30pm onwards at the Centre for Literacy in Primary Education, Webber Street, London SE1 8QW when the selections to go forward to IBBY International will be made. All IBBY UK members are welcome to attend this meeting. Please let Ann Lazim annlazim@googlemail.com know if you plan to attend.
For more information about the IBBY Honour List, please see here.
About IBBY
The International Board on Books for Young People is a unique international alliance of everyone interested in children’s literature: academics, librarians, writers, illustrators, publishers, teachers, literacy workers, booksellers, parents and others.
The IBBY UK Section is a Company Limited by Guarantee: Company number 7892957; Registered Charity number 1145999.