Ed Vere

‘Some say, there’s only one way to be a lion.’ – ‘How to be a Lion’, Puffin Books, ©Ed Vere

‘Do you?’ – ‘How to be a Lion’, Puffin Books, ©Ed Vere

‘Must I be fierce?’ – ‘How to be a Lion’, Puffin Books, ©Ed Vere

‘This is Max’ – ‘Max and Bird’, Puffin Books, ©Ed Vere

‘Flying books’ – ‘Max and Bird’, Puffin Books, ©Ed Vere
Ed Vere is an award winning and New York Times bestselling writer and illustrator of picture books.
He is the artist in residence at the Born Free Foundation.
His latest book ‘How to be a Lion’ is the winner of Oscar’s Book Prize 2019, selected by the children’s laureate Lauren Child and a jury including Sarah Brown. It was also selected as one of Amazon.com’s best books of 2018 as well as being an NPR great choice for 2018. It is an EB White Read Aloud Honour Book. Other books include; Max the Brave, Grumpy Frog, Max and Bird, Mr Big, Banana, The Getaway.
Ed worked with CLPE to co-create the Power of Pictures scheme which encourages visual literacy in primary school education and has received major funding from the Arts Council.
Website www.edvere.com
Instagram @ed_vere
Twitter @ed_vere