A World of Information – Call for Papers

The IBBY UK/NCRLC 2019 conference will be held on Saturday 9th November at the Centre for Literacy in Primary Education, 44 Webber Street, London SE1 8QW.
IBBY UK/NCRCL CONFERENCE, 9th NOVEMBER 2019, Centre for Literacy in Primary Education, London SE1 8QW.
Call for papers on the theme of:
A World of Information: Children’s Non-Fiction Books in the Digital Age
How is non-fiction for children developing in response to technological, social and political change? Why, in the wake of Wikipedia, are children’s information books currently enjoying such a resurgence, what is the basis of this trend?
The IBBY UK/NCRCL Conference takes place in November, designated as National Non-Fiction Month by the Federation of Children’s Book Groups, and this year’s conference will look at information texts for children past and present and consider what the future may hold.
The conference will include keynote presentations and panels involving writers, illustrators, publishers and academics. Proposals are welcomed for parallel sessions (lasting about 20 minutes) on any relevant issues from any period in the history of international children’s literature. These might include but are not restricted to:
- trends in non-fiction publishing in the UK and internationally
- narrative non-fiction
- illustration in non-fiction
- telling life stories – the boom in biographies for children
- non-fiction in the past, including the output of specific publishers
- non-fiction in the future
- the work of individual writers or illustrators of non-fiction
- children’s book awards
- where is the non-fiction for older readers?
The deadline for proposals is August 25th 2019.
Please email an abstract of approximately 200 words (for a 20-minute paper), along with a short biography and affiliation to Ann Lazim of IBBY UK at annlazim@googlemail.com.
Details of past conferences can be found on the IBBY UK website at https://www.ibby.org.uk/ncrcl-conference.php